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Graduate Admissions

New Concentration in MPH Program Receives Accreditation

Posted in: Program News

Master in Public Health students

Some people think of a health administrator as just the head of a hospital.  At Montclair State University, we think of a health administrator as someone who can promote social justice, making sure that all people benefit from advances in public health and have a fair opportunity to be as healthy as possible – including people of different races, ethnicities, ages, socioeconomic statuses, sexualities, gender identities, physical abilities, and immigration statuses.

That’s why we’re thrilled to announce the accreditation of our MPH with a concentration in Health Systems Administration and Policy (HSAP)!  

Our MPH program seeks to prepare public health professionals with a commitment to prevention, in service of health equity, and with a focus on the policies and multi-sector collaborations that can achieve these.

  • Students in the new HSAP concentration develop skills for the organization and administration of hospitals, health systems, and healthcare-related organizations.
  • Students in the already-established Community Health Education (CHE) concentration are prepared to plan, implement and evaluate health promotion and disease prevention initiatives.

Because public health is an interdisciplinary field, we seek students with a variety of undergraduate degrees and from a variety of professional backgrounds ­– including health, natural sciences, the arts, humanities, social sciences, communications, and many more – but who all share our passion for creating a healthier and more just society.

Our alumni run large safety-net hospitals, work for state agencies, manage important research studies, and oversee major nonprofit organizations.  Some go on to earn higher degrees. All have been prepared with the big vision and strong skills that support them as they work to transform the way health happens.

As a rule, our society waits to address many of the health issues we face “downstream” by attempting to cure problems after they occur.  If you believe that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure; if you are passionate about bringing both art and science to bear on the health problems facing your town, state, nation, and world; if you believe that every human being has the right to an equal opportunity to be healthy, then we invite you to join us “upstream” by earning a Masters of Public Health degree at Montclair State.

The application deadline for Fall 2019 admission is March 1, 2019. New this year, we are offering an “early action” option for applications fully completed by December 15th, 2018 with the opportunity to receive a decision by January 23rd, 2019.

If you would like to learn more about our MPH program, both the new and existing concentrations, consider attending the Graduate Open House on Sunday, October 21, 2018. You will have the opportunity to talk directly to the Program Coordinator. All attendees at the Open House will receive a Graduate Application fee waiver for Spring 2019 or Fall 2019. Register for the Open House here.

To learn more about our program, visit the Public Health page on the CEHS website.

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